The transformative electronic prescription service (EPS) has managed to save the NHS £130 million over three years.

By allowing GP surgeries to send prescriptions directly to pharmacies, the EPS system, which has been developed by NHS Digital, has helped to save patients time and money when collecting their medications.

An audit of patients using the system found that 72 per cent said that their medicines were ready and waiting for them when they arrived at their pharmacy, with the average prescription collection around 20 minutes quicker under the EPS system.

Over the past three years the system has saved patients almost £75 million and has meant that patients need to make fewer return trips to pharmacies as a result of their medications being out of stock.

The time savings that EPS offers the average GP practice allows staff to have more time to care for patients, particularly during the winter months when there is more demand for their services.

Additionally, with more people falling ill over the winter period, EPS can help patients get their medication quickly and reduce the need for pharmacists to ring the GP about prescription queries.

The biggest savings were recorded by prescribers who saved around £327 million between 2013 and 2016, while dispensers saved nearly £60 million.

GP practices on average also saved an hour and 20 minutes each day by signing electronic repeat prescriptions compared to paper versions and an average of an hour and 13 minute a day by producing electronic repeat prescriptions compared to paper ones.

Other time savings for prescribers include:

  • Practices save an average of 43 minutes per day by not having to locate paper prescriptions within the practice
  • Practices save an average of 31 minutes every day by not having to re-print lost paper prescriptions
  • Practice staff save an average of 39 minutes every day by not having to wait for GPs to sign urgent paper prescriptions
  • Practices save an average of 27 minutes every day by cancelling prescriptions electronically versus paper
  • Pharmacists reported on average they were saving around 54 minutes a day as result of faster dispensing under EPS and 43 minutes a day as a result of fewer trips to GP practices to collect paper prescription forms.