With 850,000 people in the UK currently diagnosed with dementia, Numark is suggesting that its members develop a better understanding of the condition.

In April, Numark is distributing resources to its members on behalf of Alzheimer’s Research UK comprising:

  • An eight-page patient leaflet on Alzheimer’s and memory loss x 20
  • A ‘postcard’ advertising Alzheimer’s Research UK health information resources x 10
  • A3 poster signposting the charity’s health information resources x 1

Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK’s leading dementia research charity. As well as funding world-class research, they aim to increase public awareness of dementia and increase public support for research into dementia through fundraising, participating in research, volunteering or helping people to speak about their personal experiences of the condition.

Hilary Cunningham, one of Numark’s Information Pharmacists, said, ‘As the number of people diagnosed with dementia increases there is a wider opportunity for pharmacists and their teams to provide professional healthcare support for these patients and their carers.

‘Dementia Awareness Week is 15th to 21st May, so this would be an ideal time for pharmacies to review their understanding of the symptoms and how they can make their pharmacy more dementia-friendly.

Pharmacists and their staff should be alert to regular customers who may start to show the early signs of dementia as early diagnosis is important to enable patients to get the right help and treatment. Hilary is also a registered Dementia Friend, through an initiative operated by Alzheimer’s Society that helps people to understand more about what it’s like to live with dementia

Advice or action that slows the progression of the condition or delays the need for patients to access residential or nursing care will generate significant savings for the NHS. Enhanced patient support increases job satisfaction for the pharmacy team and promotes the reputation of the pharmacy and the profession.

The symbol group is also providing CPD articles via its internal communications which include information on advising patients on reducing dementia risks, communicating with dementia patients and providing support for patients and their carers