There are a number of vacancies available on the Pharmaceutical Science Expert Advisory Panel (PS EAP).

The PS EAP, which was established in 2010, draws from the breadth of academic, clinical, industrial, community and regulatory pharmacy settings, and provides advice and guidance to RPS, and thereby to the pharmacy profession as a whole, on emergent issues in science and research. The PS EAP informs Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) policy on issues of interest to the profession and the public and provides a view on scientific strategy, scientific assessment and review, and leadership and advocacy.

In May 2014, the New Medicines, Better Medicines, Better Use of Medicines guide was published. This guide was developed by the PS EAP and summarises the important role of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists in the development and use of medicines. Seven recommendations are included in the guide. RPS is leading on four of these: the safe use of medicines, antimicrobials, new technologies, and increasing the evidence base for pharmacy. The current work plan of the PS EAP is structured around these four areas.

Applicants wishing to apply for a position on the PS EAP should complete the nomination form in the Call for Nominations document and submit this together with a detailed CV and a supporting statement.  Both self-nominations and those from third parties with the consent of nominee will be accepted. All nomination materials must be submitted by 5pm on 28th February.
